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Raising Awareness for Alzheimer’s – ACE Podcast

Raising Awareness for Alzheimer's- ACE Podcast

Global Alzheimer’s Leader Chats

It’s a big few months for the Aged Care Enrichment Podcast. After celebrating the podcast’s first birthday, we’re attracting bigger and higher profile guests. Like in this week’s episode about raising awareness for Alzheimer’s with Alzheimer’s Disease International CEO Paola Barbarino.

ACE Podcast highlights important issues

The Melbourne based podcast is presented by virtual reality for older adults start-up SilVR Adventures. It features aged care leaders, experts and passionate individuals from around the world. Each week Ash de Neef chats with an informed guest about the biggest problems facing aged care today.
The most recent episode with Paola Barbarino will strike a chord with all that listen. The ADI are tireless in their work supporting over 100 organisations around the world. These include Dementia Australia, Alzheimer’s Society (UK) and Alzheimer’s Association (USA). Paola and her team also work closely with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations. It’s this work that helps highlight Alzheimer’s and dementia research and increase the understanding of these global challenges.

Raising Awareness for Alzheimer’s

One key piece of the ADI’s work involves raising awareness at an international level. And despite what more developed countries may think, we still need greater awareness.
As Paola clarified, “even [in Australia and the UK] you do have pockets that still feel very stigmatised by dementia. And then that stigma becomes higher. At the time in which you, as a person, find it difficult to obtain a diagnosis”.
Paola Barbarino - Raising Awareness for Alzheimer's

New Resources

To aid in this fight, each year the ADI commissions an annual report covering a range of topics. This helps governments, doctors and those living with the disease better understand Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This year, the report focused on diagnosis. This is  because Paola and the ADI team can see that some people are “too scared to go to the doctor”.

However, this report is designed to help the public and the families better understand the warning signs of dementia. As well as what happens after the prognosis.

You can listen to this episode and many more on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio and online.

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