Lives Well Lived And Challenging Stereotypes With Sky Bergman

Learn about the challenging stereotypes faced by individuals over 75 with Sky Bergman. Catch her film on conversations with our loved ones.
Loneliness, Social Connections And Dementia With Dr. Snorri Bjorn Rafnsson

Explore the link between social connection and the health of older adults with Dr. Snorri Bjorn Rafnsson. Learn about the relationship between loneliness, internet usage, and dementia and ways to support socially isolated older adults through virtual reality technology.
Financial Elder Abuse And Inheritance Impatience With Luke Wright

Learn about financial elder abuse and how to prevent it with Luke Wright. Understand the prevalence, causes, and warning signs of financial abuse and how it often indicates other types of abuse.
The Gifts Of Dementia With Judy Cornish

Learn about the DAWN method, a radically different approach to dementia care that helps people remain in their own homes for longer with creator, Judy Cornish. Understand how she helps people living with dementia and carers communicate in different ways.
Falls Prevention And Acceptable Interventions With Kim Delbaere

Learn about the various risk factors that contribute to falls in older adults and the “acceptable interventions” to prevent falls with Professor Kim Delbaere.
Embracing Telehealth In Aged Care With Silvia Pfeiffer

Learn about the challenges and potential solutions to Telehealth adoption in residential aged care with Silvia Pfeiffer. Understand how Telehealth is being used and its potential to expand the capabilities of traditional Telehealth.
The Human Rights Of Older People – Andrew Byrnes

Learn about the importance of human rights in care for older adults with Emeritus Professor Andrew Byrnes and how an international treaty would positively impact carers and recipients around the world. Understand how it relates to findings from the last year’s Royal Commission.
Transitions In Later Life – With Jeff Hamaoui

Explore the complexities of periods of transition, particularly in later life, with Jeff Hamaoui. Navigate engagement with aged care services and how to support the people around us with Jeff’s expert insights and experience.
Supportive Care For LGBTI Older People with Rob Hardy

Rob Hardy from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia discussess the challenges faced by older Australians in the LGBTI community and how to accommodate them.
Consistent Assignment – A Better Model For All With Daniella Greenwood

Learn about the benefits of consistent assignment in residential care with expert Daniella Greenwood and its impact on residents and providers