SW 008 – Dream

The feeling of a beautiful dream can be described as a sense of enchantment and wonder, where the impossible feels tangible and the experience is imbued with a profound sense of joy and peace. Total Duration: 5 min Height: Yes Movement: Yes Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 007 – Water

Relaxing by water can be incredibly peaceful and rejuvenating, allowing one to escape the stresses of daily life and find solace in the soothing sound and tranquil ambiance of a body of water. Total Duration: 5 min Height: No Movement: No Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 006 – Aurora Borealis

The beauty of the Aurora Borealis can be described as a mesmerising dance of colourful lights painting the night sky with ethereal and otherworldly hues. Total Duration: 5 min Height: No Movement: No Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 005 – Drive

A relaxing drive is a serene and tranquil experience that involves cruising down scenic roads with calming music, gentle breezes, and breathtaking views. Total Duration: 5 min Height: No Movement: Yes Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 004 – Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist meditation is a practice of cultivating mindfulness and concentration to develop awareness and insight into the nature of the mind and reality. Total Duration: 6 min Height: No Movement: No Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 003 – Underwater

Relaxing underwater involves immersing oneself in a tranquil aquatic environment and allowing the natural movements and sounds to calm and rejuvenate the body and mind. Total Duration: 6 min Height: No Movement: No Underwater: Yes Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 002 – Forest

Relaxing in the forest is a tranquil experience that allows one to unwind and connect with nature’s peaceful surroundings. Total Duration: 6 min Height: No Movement: No Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

SW 001 – Beach

Relaxing on the beach is the epitome of tranquillity, where the sound of crashing waves and the warmth of the sun provide the ultimate escape from the stresses of everyday life. Total Duration: 7 min Height: No Movement: Yes Underwater: No Animals: No Animals Featured: No

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