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Aged Care Scale Up Webinar from LASA

Aged Care Scale Up Webinar with Colin Pudsey

A Webinar for driving change


Aged Care Scale Ups like SilVR Adventures are bringing fresh energy and excitement to our industry. And this month LASA (Leading Age Services Australia) showcased the entrepreneurial spirit and creative mindset of scale ups in a webinar featuring SilVR Adventures CEO Colin Pudsey.

LASA set the tone of the discussion with it’s name: ‘Scale Ups Changing Business-as-Usual in Age Services’. And it was part of the innovAgeing Insights series which looked at forces that are driving change in the age services industry.

Our CEO Colin was part of a panel of innovative leaders from emerging aged care scale ups. And together they discussed changing the status-quo, finding opportunities for meaningful change and bringing optimism to their work.

To be clear, webinar comes at a crucial time in our industry. As we have increasing scrutiny placed on the standards of care, and the royal commission calling for better integration of technology and innovation into the sector.

The ACE Podcast is leading change too

Similarly SilVR Adventures is also responding to these growing needs through the Aged Care Enrichment Podcast.

Because the weekly show brings together some of the most innovative and forward thinking individuals in the industry. But the topics discussed cover a wide area. For instance how to bring new innovation to the industry. Or new revolutionary models of dementia care. Regardless of what the topic is, the focus is on bringing a fresh take on issues that affect all of us.

So if you’re interested in what the next big change is in our industry tune in! You can listen on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you get podcasts.


LASA also recognised SilVR Adventures in 2020 with a nomination for the innovAgeing National Awards.

Above all else, SilVR Adventures is proud to be included in such a passionate cohort of new innovators within the industry. We look forward to bringing the world to more seniors through virtual reality in 2021.

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