Customer Success, News

Virtual Reality Transforms Senior Care: Major Roll-Out Across Singapore Announced


A successful partnership between award-winning Melbourne company SilVR Adventures and one of Singapore’s largest elder care providers St Luke’s ElderCare (SLEC) has sparked a significant roll-out of virtual reality for elders and a joint research project.

St Luke’s ElderCare (SLEC) began introducing SilVR Adventures’ VR headsets and software across its centre and community-based facilities in 2023, bringing immersive travel and social experiences to elders affected by physical disabilities and isolation. After initial success, the SLEC Virtual World Programme was rolled out significantly in Singapore, using SilVR Adventures VR. The programme aims to enrich the lives of 600 elders across eight centres in five months by offering immersive virtual travel experiences.


 “‘Our partnership with SLEC was our first international venture in Asia and it has succeeded beyond expectations, allowing us to reach more vulnerable and isolated people.”


SilVR Adventures Founder Colin Pudsey says: ‘By delivering VR content in multiple languages, we’ve recently expanded into additional new markets with partners in China and Japan, along with continued growth with leading care providers across Australia and New Zealand. We have also entered a partnership with Oroi, a European VR platform, to diversify our range into cognitive, physical and occupational therapies and in collaboration with The Department of Justice and Community Safety in Victoria and Langi Kal Kal Prison, we launched a pilot VR program to help reintegrate inmates into society and are now looking to expand that program.’

SLEC community members enjoying a shared VR experience

Results from 2023 SLEC VR study

Results from 2023 VR study with SLEC

Research has shown that music has many benefits for people with dementia including a reduction in agitation, anxiety and depression, and enhancement of cognitive function, communication and self-expression[1]. Other VR experiences have been shown to increase acceptance and effectiveness of treatment and give participants the confidence to get involved by removing physical and mental barriers[2].



SilVR Adventures has won multiple awards including the Victorian Start-up of the Year iAward 2023, Monash Business Awards 2022 and the Future of Ageing Award 2020. The company was also a finalist in the InnovAgeing National Awards 2021 and Eldercare Innovation Awards 2021 and named one of 2021’s top 500 global start-ups.

As of 2023, SLEC runs 18 senior care and rehabilitation centres across Singapore, 12 active aging centres and a residential nursing home. It runs a full range of community care services including in-home care, physio and occupational therapy, respite care and wellness programmes.



[2] Using Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Enhance Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Identifying Areas of Clinical Adoption and Potential Obstacles – PMC ( | Free Full-Text | Acceptance and Influencing Factors of Social Virtual Reality in the Urban Elderly (

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